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Decoding Software Informer. Featured Decoding free downloads and reviews. Latest updates on everything Decoding Software related. Recode Weather is designed to help you resolve some of the severe issues with development of your National Migration Plan, allowing to generate BUFR observations without an immediate upgrade of observing hardware/software, and at the same time to provide backward compatibility for legacy systems based on Traditional Alphanumeric Codes until.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe Binary Universal Form for the Representation ofmeteorological data ( BUFR) is a maintained by the (WMO). The latest version is BUFR Edition 4. BUFREdition 3 is also considered current for operational use.BUFR was created, circa 1989, with the goal of replacing theWMO's dozens of character-based, position-driven codes,such as (surfaceobservations), (upper air soundings) and (monthly climatologicaldata). BUFR was designed to be portable, compact, and universal.Any kind of data can be represented, along with its specificspatial/temporal context and any other associated.
In the WMOterminology, BUFR belongs to the category of table-driven codeforms, where the meaning of data elements is determined byreferring to a set of tables that are kept and maintainedseparately from the message itself. AdvertisementsTemplatesSection 3 contains a short header followed by a sequence ofdescriptors that matches the contents of Section 4's bit-stream.The sequence of descriptors in Section 3 could be understood as thetemplate of the BUFR message. Samsung smart tv apps. The template contains theinformation necessary to describe the structure of the data valuesembedded in the matching bit-stream. It is to be interpreted in astep-by-step, manner. Given a set of BUFRmessages, the values contained in Section 4 may differ from onemessage to the next, but their ordering and structure will be keptpredictable if the template provided in Section 3 remainsunchanged.Templates can be designed to meet the requirements of a specificdata product (weather observations, for instance).
Such templatescan then be used to standardize the content and structure of BUFRdata products. The WMO has released a number of BUFR templates forsurface and upper air observational data. DescriptorsAll descriptors, 16 bits wide, have a F-X-Y structure,where F refers to the two most significant bits(leftmost); X refers to the 6 middle bits and Yto the least significant (rightmost) 8 bits.
The WMO FM-94 BUFR, Binary Universal Form for the Representation of Meteorological data, is a binary code designed to represent, employing a continuous binary stream, any meteorological data. It has been designed to achieve efficient exchange and storage of meteorological and oceanographic data. It is self defining, table driven and very flexible data representation system, especially for huge volumes of data.ECMWF provide (pdf) and (pdf) that describes latest BUFR tables and ECMWF observation types and subtypes. For each subtype there is a template describing the observation.The first version of ECMWF BUFRDC software was designed and implemented in 1987. A great deal of experience has been gathered in handling binary coded observations since then.