Cinema 4d Shortcuts Pdf Editor
FileCtrl+ NNew fileShift + Ctrl + SSave asCtrl + 0OpenShift + Ctrl + WClose allShift + Ctrl+ 0AddCtrl+ 5SaveCtrl+ QQuit▲ up 2. Object ManagerShift + Create objectNew object as child objectAlt + Create objectNew object as Parent objectShift + GExpand object groupAlt + GGroup objectsCtrl + IProject informationCtrl + UShow fitterCtrl + FShow search sarShift + Ctrl+ OMerge objectsClick with RMBSelect object including child objects▲ up 3. Picture ViewerCtrl+ FFullscreen modeShift + Create objectAuto zoomOSet as preview endShift + GSet as preview startAlt + GSwap ABCtrl + ISet as BASet as ASpacebar keyPlay+/-Zoom In/OutDouble-clickSwitch 100% and Fullscreen▲ up 4. Motion TrackingAltZoomLMBLasso selectionCtrl + LMBIt create user TrackAlt + OSequence fullscreenAlt + RMBScale sequenceAlt + MMBMove sequence▲ up 5. Material ManagerShift + Cut + 0Load materialsCtrl + NNew materialAlt + Drag & DropReplace material by another▲ up 6. Attribute ManagerRMB + ArrowParameter to defaultAlt or ShiftIncrease/decrease parameter change speed with arrowsShift + F5New attribute manager▲ up 7.
CINEMA 4D R14 SHORTCUTS PDF - Viewport Navigation - Creative Cow's Cinema 4D forum is designed to mouse/ keyboard shortcuts to zoom, pan, rotate, etc in Cinema 4D? A very useful guide.
Animation TimelineF7StopF6Play backwards/stopF9Record active objectsCtrl + Spacebar. With selected TracksSpacebarKey mode/F-curve modeShift + GGoto endCtrl + GGoto Next KeyCtrl + FGoto Previous KeyShift + FGoto Start of AnimationCtrl + F9AutokeyingF8Play Forwards/StopCtrl + PGoto First KeyCtrl + 0 (zero)Goto Last KeyAft + FGoto StartAft + GGoto EndCtrl + Shift + PGoto First MarkerCtrl + Shift + 0Goto Last MarkerShift + NGoto Next MarkerShift + PGoto Previous MarkerAlt + RRipple EditCtrl + FShow Search BarAft+ AAutomatic ModeCtrl + UShow Filter▲ up 8. BodyPaint 3DShift +. Or Shift +Increase Brush HardnessShift +. Or Shift +Decrease Brush HardnessCtrl +. Or eta+ IIncrease Brush PressureCtrl+. Or Ctrl +Decrease Brush Pressure▲ up 9.
ModellingMNormal rotateCMake editableEMoveRRotateTScaleSpaceToggle Active ToolReturnToggle Modeling ModeShift + ZUndo (Action)XX -Axis / HeadingCtrl + ASelect AllShift + Ctrl + ADeselect All▲ up 10. EditorShift + F12Customize Commands ManagerShift + F11Script ManagerShift + F9Structure ManagerShift+ F8Content BrowserShift + F7Coordinates ManagerShift + F6Picture ViewerShift + F5Attributes ManagerShift + F4Layer ManagerShift + F3TimelineShift + F2Materials ManagerShift + Fl Shift+ FlObject ManagerShift + WClose WindowDelDeleteJ + LMBModify Interactive Anim.TimeCtrl+ F1Help via setting/element▲ up 11.
Structure ManagerHomeJump HomePgUpJump Page UpPgDownJump Page DownShift + NJump Last SelectionShift + Ctrl+ 0Import ASCII DataEndJump EndVVertex Map▲ up 12. SculptingShiftSmooth for all brushesCutReverse brush effectAlt+ X, Y, ZSwitch symmetry modeT+ LMBMove, scale, rotate template▲ up 13. ViewAlt + 0Hide/Show axesShift + VConfigureAlt + VConfigure AllCtrl + RRender ViewShift + Ctrl+ ZUndo ViewShift + Ctrl + YRedo ViewARedrawF5All viewsAlt + AUse Isoline Editing▲ up 14. RenderingCtrl + BRender SettingsAlt + BMake PreviewAlt + RInteractive Render RegionCtrl + RRender Active ViewportShift + RRender to Picture ViewerCtrl + Shift + RRender to Picture Viewer (IR)▲ upUploaded by, updated on 3/1/2017.
Cinema 4d Shortcuts Pdf Editor Online
FileCtrl+ NNew fileShift + Ctrl + SSave asCtrl + 0OpenShift + Ctrl + WClose allShift + Ctrl+ 0AddCtrl+ 5SaveCtrl+ QQuit▲ up 2. Object ManagerShift + Create objectNew object as child objectAlt + Create objectNew object as Parent objectShift + GExpand object groupAlt + GGroup objectsCtrl + IProject informationCtrl + UShow fitterCtrl + FShow search sarShift + Ctrl+ OMerge objectsClick with RMBSelect object including child objects▲ up 3. Picture ViewerCtrl+ FFullscreen modeShift + Create objectAuto zoomOSet as preview endShift + GSet as preview startAlt + GSwap ABCtrl + ISet as BASet as ASpacebar keyPlay+/-Zoom In/OutDouble-clickSwitch 100% and Fullscreen▲ up 4. Motion TrackingAltZoomLMBLasso selectionCtrl + LMBIt create user TrackAlt + OSequence fullscreenAlt + RMBScale sequenceAlt + MMBMove sequence▲ up 5. Material ManagerShift + Cut + 0Load materialsCtrl + NNew materialAlt + Drag & DropReplace material by another▲ up 6. Attribute ManagerRMB + ArrowParameter to defaultAlt or ShiftIncrease/decrease parameter change speed with arrowsShift + F5New attribute manager▲ up 7.
Cinema 4d Shortcuts Pdf Editor Software
Animation TimelineF7StopF6Play backwards/stopF9Record active objectsCtrl + Spacebar. With selected TracksSpacebarKey mode/F-curve modeShift + GGoto endCtrl + GGoto Next KeyCtrl + FGoto Previous KeyShift + FGoto Start of AnimationCtrl + F9AutokeyingF8Play Forwards/StopCtrl + PGoto First KeyCtrl + 0 (zero)Goto Last KeyAft + FGoto StartAft + GGoto EndCtrl + Shift + PGoto First MarkerCtrl + Shift + 0Goto Last MarkerShift + NGoto Next MarkerShift + PGoto Previous MarkerAlt + RRipple EditCtrl + FShow Search BarAft+ AAutomatic ModeCtrl + UShow Filter▲ up 8. BodyPaint 3DShift +. Or Shift +Increase Brush HardnessShift +.
Or Shift +Decrease Brush HardnessCtrl +. Or eta+ IIncrease Brush PressureCtrl+. Or Ctrl +Decrease Brush Pressure▲ up 9. ModellingMNormal rotateCMake editableEMoveRRotateTScaleSpaceToggle Active ToolReturnToggle Modeling ModeShift + ZUndo (Action)XX -Axis / HeadingCtrl + ASelect AllShift + Ctrl + ADeselect All▲ up 10. EditorShift + F12Customize Commands ManagerShift + F11Script ManagerShift + F9Structure ManagerShift+ F8Content BrowserShift + F7Coordinates ManagerShift + F6Picture ViewerShift + F5Attributes ManagerShift + F4Layer ManagerShift + F3TimelineShift + F2Materials ManagerShift + Fl Shift+ FlObject ManagerShift + WClose WindowDelDeleteJ + LMBModify Interactive Anim.TimeCtrl+ F1Help via setting/element▲ up 11. Structure ManagerHomeJump HomePgUpJump Page UpPgDownJump Page DownShift + NJump Last SelectionShift + Ctrl+ 0Import ASCII DataEndJump EndVVertex Map▲ up 12.
SculptingShiftSmooth for all brushesCutReverse brush effectAlt+ X, Y, ZSwitch symmetry modeT+ LMBMove, scale, rotate template▲ up 13. ViewAlt + 0Hide/Show axesShift + VConfigureAlt + VConfigure AllCtrl + RRender ViewShift + Ctrl+ ZUndo ViewShift + Ctrl + YRedo ViewARedrawF5All viewsAlt + AUse Isoline Editing▲ up 14. RenderingCtrl + BRender SettingsAlt + BMake PreviewAlt + RInteractive Render RegionCtrl + RRender Active ViewportShift + RRender to Picture ViewerCtrl + Shift + RRender to Picture Viewer (IR)▲ upUploaded by, updated on 3/1/2017.