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United States Army Field Manuals are published by the United States Army's Army Publishing Directorate. As of 27 July 2007, some 542 field manuals were in use. They contain detailed information and how-tos for procedures important to soldiers serving in the field. They are usually available to the public at low cost or free electronically. Many websites have begun collecting PDF versions of Army Field Manuals, Technical Manuals and Weapon Manuals.Note from Curator: These are currently being brought in from variant sources - over time, improved copies of manuals will appear as possible.
The Roswell Report: Case Closed Contents Foreword Guide for Readers v Introduction i SECTION ONE Flying Saucer Crashes and Alien Bodies 5 1.1 The 'Crash Sites,' Scenarios, and Research Methods 11 1.2 High Altitude Balloon Dummy Drops 23 1.3 High Altitude Balloon Operations 37 1.4 Comparison of Witnesses Accounts to U.S. Air Force Activities 55 SECTION TWO Reports of Bodies at Roswell Army Air Field Hospital 75 2.1 The 'Missing' Nurse and the Pediatrician 81 2.2 Aircraft. Topics: United States. Air Force, Unidentified flying objects - Sightings and encounters - New Mexico -.
TM 9-1000-202-35 Evaluation of Cannon Tubes 1959-05-09 'The scope of this series of manuals, as listed in b below, is to cover the latest information and instructions for judging cannon tubes for the guidance of ordnance personnel concerned with cannon tube inspection and calibration. The subjects covered are: Evaluation of cannon tubes; the operation and maintenance of bore inspection devices; and operation and maintenance of velocity measuring equipment.' Digitized by AHEC (U.S. Topics: Cold War, United States.
Army - Handbooks, manuals, etc, Technical Manual, United States. FM 5-20 Camouflage 1968-05-29 'This manual provides a comprehensive reference and guide in all aspects of camouflage. It describes in detail the principles involved in concealing or disguising troops, vehicles, weapons, and field installations. The last chapter discusses the planning for and the operation of decoys and decoy installations.
For technical information regarding the natural and artificial materials and equipment available for both concealment and visual deception, the reader. Topics: Cold War, United States. Army - Handbooks, manuals, etc, Camouflage, Field Manual, Camouflage. US Army Field Manual # FM 3-23.35 (FM 23-35) Combat Training with Pistols, M9 and M11 2008-08-12. COMBAT TRAINING WITH PISTOLS M9 AND M11 CONTENTS.PREFACE iii.CHAPTER 1.
COMPONENTS AND FUNCTIONING Section I. Description and Components 1-1 1-1. Description 1-2 1-2. Components 1-3 1-3.
Ammunition 1-4 Section II. Maintenance 1-6 1-4. Clearing Procedures, Both Pistols 1-6 1-5. General Disassembly of M9 Pistol 1-6 1-6. General Disassembly of M1 1 Pistol 1-7 1-7.
Inspection 1-7 1-8. Topics: US Army, Field Manual, Marksmanship, Firearms, M9, M11, Pistols - Handbooks, Manuals, etc, United. FM 6-02.53 Tactical Radio Operations August 2009 PREFACE viii Chapter 1 APPLICATIONS FOR TACTICAL RADIO DEPLOYMENT 1 -1 Modularity 1-1 Tactical Radio Deployment 1-2 Army Special Operations Forces 1-6 Army Force Generation Process 1-7 Chapter 2 TACTICAL RADIOS 2-1 Tactical Radio Networks 2-1 Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations 2-2 Chapter 3 HIGH FREQUENCY RADIOS 3-1 High Frequency Communications Concepts 3-1 AN/PRC-150 I Advanced High Frequency/Very High Frequency Tactical Radio 3-4 Improving.
Topics: Field Manual, US Army, Antennas, Ham Radio, Amateur Radio, United States. Army - Handbooks. FM 23-9 Rifle Marksmanship: M16A1, M16A2/3, M16A4 and M4 Carbine 2003-04 Edition has changes 2006-09-13. 'This manual provides guidance for planning and executing training on the 5.56-mm M16-series rifle (M16A1/A2/A3/A4) and M4 carbine. It is a guide for commanders, leaders, and instructors to develop training programs, plans, and lessons that meet the objectives or intent of the United States Army rifle marksmanship program and FM 7-0 (Training the Force).
This manual is organized to. Topics: Marksmanship, Firearms, Rifles - Handbooks, manuals, etc, Field Manual, United States.
TM 5-232 Elements of Surveying 1971-06-01. INTRODUCTION General 1-1—1-6 Field work 1-6 — 1-9 Office work 1-10—1-13 UNIVERSAL EQUIPMENT 2-1—2-13 LEVELS Hand levels 8-1,3-2 Engineer level 3-3 — 3-6 Semiprecise level 3-6 — 3-8 Precise level 39 - 312 Level accessories 3-13 — 3-19 Meteorological equipment 3-20 — 3-23 DIRECTION AND ANGLE EQUIPMENT Engineer transit 4-1 — 4-6 One-minute theodolite 4-6 — 4-10 One- second theodolite 4-11—4-16 Two-tenth-second theodolite 4-17 —. Topics: US Army, United States. Army, Technical Manual, Field Manual, United States.
Army - Handbooks. TM 9-1005-2-04-04 Full title: Direct Support, General Support,and Depot Maintenance Manual Including Repair Parts and Special Tool List PISTOL, CALIBER.45, AUTOMATIC: M1911A1,WITH HOLSTER, HIP, W/E(1005-473-7905) PISTOL, CALIBER.45, AUTOMATIC: M1911A1,WITH HOLSTER, SHOULDER, W/E(1005-561-2003) 'These instructions are in accordance with the MAC and are published for the use of direct support, general support, and depot maintenance personnel maintaining the Caliber.45. Topics: Technical Manual, Firearms, United States. Army - Firearms - Maintenance and repair -. FM 21-50 Ranger Training And Ranger Operations 1962-01-23 1. Purpose This manual primarily is a guide for establishing a Ranger training program and conducting Banger operations.
The Ranger training manual contains the necessary information, organization, doctrine, and general guidance that a commander needs to develop and initiate a Ranger training program. The material in this manual is applicable for training of all regular and special purpose units of the United States Army.
Topics: Cold War, Field Manual, United States. Army, US Army, Vietnam War, 1961-1975, United States. TM 9-1005-223-20 Rifles, 7.62mm, M14 M14A1, Bipod, Rifle, M2 1967-05-19 'This manual contains instructions for the operation and organizational maintenance of 7.62-MM Rifles M14, M14A1, and Rifle Bipod M2 as prescribed by the MAC.'
Full title: Organizational Maintenance Manual Including Basic Issue Items List and Organizational Repair Parts and Special Tool List Rifles, 7.62mm, M14 M14A1, Bipod, Rifle, M2 Digitized by AHEC (U.S. Army Heritage Collections). Topics: Field Manual, M14, M2, Technical Manual, United States. Army - Handbooks, manuals, etc, Vietnam.
FM 23-35 Pistols and Revolvers 1960-07-23 'This manual is in three parts and explains how to disassemble, assemble, fire, and take care of the Pistols, Automatic, Caliber.45, M1911 and M1911A1, and the revolver, Colt, Caliber.38, 2-Inch Barrel, Detective Special. It describes the parts and explains how they work. The step-by-step arrangement of the text provides for progressive training, promotes learning, and aids in organizing and presenting instruction.' Digitized by the Combined. Topics: Cold War, Field Manual, US Army, United States.
Army, United States. Army - Handbooks, manuals. TM 5-248 Foreign Maps 1956-06-12. INTRODUCTION TO FOREIGN MAPS Paragraphs Page Section I. General 1-3 3 II.
How topographic maps are evaluated 4-7 4 III. How foreign maps are adapted to U. Army use 8-10 10 Chapter 2.
NORTHWEST AFRICA Section I. Spanish Morocco 11, 12 12 II. French Morocco 13, 14 15 III. Algeria and Tunisia 15, 16 20 Chapter 3. NORTHEAST AFRICA Section I.
Fighter Jet Military Pdf Manuals Pdf
Libya 17, 18 27, 29 II. Egypt 19, 21 31 III. Ethiopia (Including Eritrea) 22, 23 39 IV. British Somaliland 24.
Topics: Technical Manual, Field Manual, US Army, United States. Army, Cold War, Maps, Maps - Bibliography.
Serial port data logger companies. FM 21-26 Map Reading and Land Navigation 1993-05-07 'The purpose of this field manual is to provide a standardized source document for Armywide reference on map reading and land navigation. It applies to every soldier in the Army regardless of service branch, MOS, or rank.
This manual contains both doctrine and training guidance on these subjects. Part One addresses map reading and Part Two, land navigation. The appendixes include a list of exportable training materials, a matrix of land. Topics: Maps, Field Manual, United States. Army, United States.
Ratio 13-15 8 II. Proportion 16-21 8 CHAPTER 4. POWERS AND ROOTS 22-26 12 5.
ALGEBRA Section I. Introduction 26-31 16 II. Positive and negative numbers 32-42 17 III. Topics: Technical Manual, Field Manual, US Army, United States. Army, Electronics, Electricity, Ham Radio.
US Army Field Manual # FM 21-10 and US Marines Field Manual # MCRP 4-11.1D Field Hygiene and Sanitation 2000-06-21. FM 21-10/MCRP 4-11.1D PREFACE iii CHAPTER 1.
INTRODUCTION TO THE MEDICAL THREAT Section I. Message to the Unit Commander 1-1 Section II. The Medical Threat and Principles of Preventive Medicine Measures 1-3 CHAPTER 2. INDIVIDUAL PREVENTIVE MEDICINE MEASURES Section I. Heat Injuries 2-1 Section II. Cold Injuries 2-6.This publication supersedes FM 21-10, 22 November 1988. Topics: Field Manual, United States.
Army - Sanitary Affairs - Handbooks, Manuals, etc, United States. Advancement 1 2. Electronics Safety Precautions 9 3. Component and Equipment Nomenclature and Designations 17 4.
Technical Publications and Records 33 5. Electronic Installations 43 6. Use of Test Equipment 98 7. Use of Test Equipment 128 8. Switches, Switchboards, and Switching Systems 177 9. Common Operating Adjustments— Radio Transmitters and Receivers 210 10.
Common Operating Adjustments— Teletype and Facsimile. Common Operating Adjustments— Radar and Loran.
Topics: United States. Navy - Electronic installations, ET3, Electronics, US Navy, United States. Rifle 7.62-MM, M14 1959-12 Changes from 1962-08-15. 'This manual is a guide for commanders and instructors in presenting instruction and training in the mechanical operation of the M14 rifle. It includes a detailed description of the rifle and its general characteristics; procedures for detailed disassembly and assembly; an explanation of functioning; a discussion of the types of stoppages and the immediate action applied to reduce them; a description of the ammunition used. Topics: M14, Vietnam War, 1961-1975, United States. Army - Handbooks, manuals, etc, United States.
Army and U.S Air Force technical manual TM 5-810-5 Plumbing 1990-01-12. GENERAL Purpose Scope Basic principles Drawings Design analysis Central systems CHAPTER 2. MATERIALS AND FIXTURES Fixtures Fixture allowances Selection of piping and storage tank materials Backwater valves and floor drains CHAPTER 3. EQUIPMENT Pumps and ejectors Water pressure booster system Tanks Interceptors Food waste grinders Reverse osmosis water treatment equipment Water softening treatment equipment.
Topics: Technical Manual, Field Manual, US Army, US Air Force, United States. Army, United States. TM 8-230 Technical Manual Army Medical Department Handbook Of Basic Nursing 1970-11 'This manual is for use in training medical corps-men, MOS 91A10; medical specialists, MOS 91B20; and clinical specialists, MOS 91C20, in the nursing aspects of medical care and treatment. It also serves as a ready reference for use by other Army Medical Department units and activities.' Digitized by Google Books Topics: Field Manual, First aid in illness and injury - Handbooks, manuals, etc, United States. TM 5-857-3 Design of Underground Installations in Rock: Space Layouts and Excavation Methods.
1961-04-01 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3-01 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1 3-02 REFERENCES 1 a. References to Material in Other Manuals of This Series 1 b.
Bibliography 2 3-03 RESCISSIONS 2 3-04 MANUAL PREPARATION 2 3-05 GENERAL 2 3-06 PROCEDURES 3 CONFIGURATION OF OPENINGS 3-07 FACTORS 3 3-08 SHAPE 4 3-09 SIZE OF OPENINGS 5 3-10 PILLARS BETWEEN PARALLEL CHAMBERS 6 3-11 TUNNELS AND CHAMBERS 6 PRIMARY. Topics: Cold War, Underground construction, Rock mechanics, Technical Manual, Field Manual, Excavation. Army Training Circular # TC 9-64 Communications-Electronics Fundamentals: Wave Propagation, Transmission Lines, and Antennas.
Preface ix Chapter 1 WAVE PROPAGATION 1-1 Learning Objectives 1-1 What is Propagation? 1-2 Principles of Wave Motion 1 -2 Sound Waves 1-15 Lightwaves 1-23 Electromagnetic Spectrum 1 -30 Electromagnetic Waves 1 -32 Summary 1-39 Chapter 2 RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION 2-1 Learning Objectives 2-1 Electromagnetic Fields 2-2 Radio Waves 2-6 Summary 2-38 Chapter 3. Topics: Electronics, Ham Radio, Radio Propagation, Antennas, Amateur Radio, United States. FM 3-22.9c1 Rifle Marksmanship M16-/M4-Series Weapons 2011-02-10. 'Preface This manual provides guidance for planning and executing training on the 5.56-millimeter M16-series rifle (M16A1/A2/A3/A4) and M4 carbine. It is a guide for commanders, leaders, and instructors to develop training programs, plans, and lessons that meet the objectives or intent of the United States Army rifle marksmanship program and FM 7-0.
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This manual is organized to lead the trainer through the material needed to. Topics: US Army, Firearms, M16, United States. Army - Firearms - Handbooks, manuals, etc. TM 9-270 Common Wood And Metal Repair 1971-03-18. INTRODUCTION Purpose. 1-1 1-1 Scope.
1-2 1-1 Recommended changes 1-8 1-1 2. REPAIR OF WOOD, PLYWOOD, AND FIBER ITEMS Section I. Basic repair General 2-1 2-1 Gluing. Repair of components Warped parts 2-8 2-4 Broken parts 2-4 2-4 Surface parts. 2-5 2-6 Joints 2-6 2-7 Fastenings and attachments. 2-7 2-8 Upholstery. 2-8 2-11 III.
Refinishing Preparation of surface 2-9 2-18 Materials 2-10 2-15 Methods of application. Topics: Technical Manual, Field Manual, US Army, United States. Army, United States.
Army - Handbooks. DESCRIPTIONUnited States Army Field Manuals are published by the United States Army's Army Publishing Directorate. As of 27 July 2007, some 542 field manuals were in use. They contain detailed information and how-tos for procedures important to soldiers serving in the field. They are usually available to the public at low cost or free electronically. Many websites have begun collecting PDF versions of Army Field Manuals, Technical Manuals and Weapon Manuals.Note from Curator: These are currently being brought in from variant sources - over time, improved copies of manuals will appear as possible.